10 Ways To Become A Better Leader

10 Ways To Become A Better Leader

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As a child care business owner, you have the incredible opportunity to become a better leader and create a thriving team that propels your business forward.

Leadership is not just a position; it’s a skill that can be developed and honed over time.

By adopting these ten powerful strategies, you can elevate your leadership game and unlock the full potential of your team.

Leading by example sets the tone for a positive work culture, while clear communication reduces misunderstandings and conflicts.

Building relationships and leading with integrity create a positive work environment that inspires and motivates.

Remember, leadership is an ongoing journey of inspiration, mentorship, and empowerment. These are excellent ways to become a better leader, and I agree with each of them.

Let’s dive into these ten ways to become a better leader and unleash the potential within your team.

Leading by example

Demonstrating the behavior you expect from your team will help create a positive, professional, and efficient workplace culture. It means you should abide by the same rules that you set for your team.

A great leader sets an example for their team. It’s about demonstrating the behavior that you expect from your team members, which helps create a positive, professional, and efficient workplace culture.

If you are the owner of a child care facility and you count on your team members to be punctual, polite, and to follow rules, you should do the same. When leaders act in a manner that is consistent with their words, their employees are more likely to respect them and follow their example.

By demonstrating passion and modeling the behaviors you want your employees to exhibit, you may set the tone for the workplace. This will motivate your employees to work hard and foster a positive work atmosphere.

Clear Communication

Effective communication is crucial for leaders to achieve their goals and is a vital skill in any workplace. It’s not just about sharing what needs to be done, but effectively conveying the message, identifying the needs of the receiver of the message, and the mediums of communication suitable for the team members. This can help reduce misunderstandings, misinterpretations, and conflicts.

Clear communication is crucial when managing a child care team since the wellbeing of the children is on the line.

Being specific about your expectations, goals, and procedures is one of the most successful ways to communicate because your team members will know exactly what is expected of them.

To make the information more easily accessible, use communication apps, create simple operating systems, require checklists, and provide visual aids. This will help ensure that everyone is on the same page and promote an environment at work that is more positive and productive.


Knowing yourself well can allow you to understand your strengths, weaknesses, and style of communication. It helps in making informed decisions and identifying areas where you need to improve.

For child care business owners, self-awareness can help you recognize your leadership style and how it impacts your team. If you tend to be more hands-off, for example, your team may need more guidance and direction from you. On the other hand, if you tend to micromanage, your team may feel that you don’t trust them to do their jobs effectively. By understanding your leadership style, you can make adjustments as necessary and better support your team.


Encouraging your team to make decisions can help in promoting creative problem-solving and builds trust, which is essential for a successful team. Empowering your team means encouraging them to make decisions and take ownership of their work.

In a child care setting, empowerment can mean giving staff the freedom to plan and implement activities and lessons that align with your center’s values and goals. You team will have the chance to highlight their skills and interests and feel more invested in their work as a result. Providing your teachers and caregivers with more duties can also aid in their skill  and confidence development as well.

Active Listening

As a leader, you may feel that you need to have all the answers or solutions to your team’s problems, but often, the best solutions come from the team members themselves. Hearing and understanding the team’s perspective can assist you in making informed decisions and creating a culture of open communication.

Active listening is about hearing and understanding the perspectives of your team members and being receptive to their ideas. It can assist you in making informed decisions and creating a culture of open communication. It involves giving your full attention to the person who is speaking, asking clarifying questions, and providing feedback.

Active listening can foster open communication, improve morale, and increase productivity. It also helps you gain insights into the team’s strengths, challenges, and ideas for improvement.

Setting Goals

Setting achievable and realistic goals is critical for team motivation, growth, and success. Goals can give your team direction and purpose. They help the team to stay focused, track progress, and measure achievements.

Goals can be individual, team, or organization-based, but they should align with your overall vision and mission. As a leader, you should communicate the goals clearly, encourage feedback, and track progress regularly. This way, you can evaluate if the team is on track, identify areas for improvement, and adjust the goals, if necessary.

Setting goals provides a framework for the team’s performance, enhances accountability, and allows team members to work cohesively towards a common objective.

Developing Others

Leaders should invest time in developing their team members. Providing your team with opportunities to acquire new skills, develop existing ones, or improve will not only benefit individual growth but also help in promoting a positive work culture.

Development can take different forms, such as attending seminars or training workshops, on-the-job mentoring or coaching, or cross-training for different roles. Leaders that can identify areas where team members need improvement and provide constructive feedback to help them achieve their goals will increase overall job satisfaction, reduce employee turnover, and enhance the team’s skills and abilities, leading to better performance. How are you developing your child care team?


A responsible and trustworthy leader will take ownership of team and individual performance. Transparency, communication, and respect for one another are encouraged.

Accountability is essential for building trust, promoting communication, and creating a culture of responsibility.

Leaders need to be clear with their expectations, communicate frequently, and keep people accountable for their duties. Responsibility improves performance both individually and collectively, encourages honesty, and lessens conflicts.

Building Relationships

Building strong relationships with your team members can enhance communication, trust, and collaboration. It goes beyond day-to-day interaction and builds camaraderie with your team members, which can create a positive and effective work environment.

Leaders should get to know their team members, show appreciation, and provide support when needed. Building relationships fosters a positive work environment, increases job satisfaction and reduces stress.

Leading with Integrity

This means that you adhere to ethical and moral principles when guiding your team. Leaders with integrity are honest, transparent, and trustworthy. They act as role models and inspire their team to follow suit.

Leaders with integrity are consistent in their actions, communicate openly, and respect the rights and opinions of others.

Leading with integrity promotes a culture of trust, encourages open communication, and builds credibility. Acting with integrity is key to the success of any business.

Becoming a better leader is an ongoing process. Overall, these ways can help you not only become a better leader but also create a positive and productive work environment. Remember, leadership is not just about delegating tasks; it’s about inspiring, mentoring, and empowering your team members to achieve their full potential.

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