The 80/20 Rule for a Happier Child Care Center

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By Carol Duprey



In the whirlwind of running a child care center, it’s easy to feel pulled in a million directions. Between managing staff, caring for children, and handling the endless administrative tasks, it can be tough to find time for yourself. But amidst the chaos, have you ever stopped to consider the impact the people around you have on your overall happiness and well-being?

Just like in any other area of life, the 80/20 rule applies to your child care community. A small group of people likely brings you the most joy and support, while another small group might contribute to your stress and self-doubt. It’s time to identify these groups and make intentional choices about how you spend your time.


Spotlighting Your ‘Joy Givers’ and ‘Energy Drainers’

Reflect on your daily interactions. Which staff members, parents, or colleagues leave you feeling energized and appreciated? These are your “joy givers” – the ones who brighten your day and make you excited to come to work.

On the other hand, who tends to leave you feeling drained or frustrated? These individuals might be your “energy drainers” – the ones who create unnecessary stress or negativity.


Invest in the Positive

Once you’ve identified these two groups, it’s time to prioritize your time and energy. While it’s impossible to completely avoid all energy drainers, you can make a conscious effort to spend more time with those who uplift you.


How to Make it Happen:

  • Prioritize Positive Interactions: Schedule regular check-ins with your “joy giver” staff members. Take a few extra minutes to chat with parents who always leave you feeling appreciated.
  • Set Boundaries: It’s okay to limit your interactions with those who drain your energy. Politely but firmly decline unnecessary meetings or conversations that leave you feeling depleted.
  • Cultivate New Connections: Be open to building relationships with new staff members, parents, or community partners. You never know who might become a source of positivity and support.


Remember, you have the power to shape the environment in your child care center. By nurturing relationships with those who bring you joy and setting boundaries with those who don’t, you create a more positive and fulfilling experience for yourself and everyone around you.

So, go ahead and surround yourself with sunshine! Your child care center will be brighter for it.

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